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Green Button - Frequently Asked Questions Third-Party Vendors

How do I register as a third-party vendor with Renfrew Hydro?

Third-party vendors must register through Renfrew Hydro.  If you are interested in becoming an authorized third-party vendor, visit the Third-Party Vendor Registration Portal to complete the registration form.  



How do customers authorize a third-party vendor to access their data?

Customers must initiate Connect My Data (data sharing) through the authorized third party vendor's website.  From the third-party vendor website, the customer will be redirected to Renfrew Hydro's Green Button portal to authenticate and complete the Connect My Data authorization process.



How long does a third-party vendor have access to customer data?

The customer selects the duration for which the data will be shared with an authorized third-party vendor, along with the frequency that the data will be shared.  The customer can revoke access at any time.



Can a vendor submit an authorization form on behalf of a customer to access their data?

Customers are required to make their own authorizations online through one of the authorization methods.  The customer must also authenticate with the utility before the security token can be exchanged with the utility and data can be shared.








Where can I find more information on Green Button Data?




Green Button and the Green Button Logo are registered trademarks owned by Departments of the U.S. Government.

GREENBUTTON CONNECT MY DATA and GREENBUTTON DOWNLOAD MY DATA are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.

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Renfrew ON K7V 3Z3

​© 2016 Renfrew Hydro Inc.

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